

Initial Assessment

A detailed and comprehensive physiotherapy assessment of your primary concern(s) in order to develop a clear orthopaedic diagnosis and craft an Individualized treatment plan. The first appointment includes treatment as time permits. 

*Book an initial assessment if it is your first appointment with me, or you are returning for a new issue.

60 minutes at $140
90 minutes at $200

Have questions or want to see if we’re a good fit?
Schedule a FREE discovery call

Follow-up Physiotherapy Treatment

Each follow-up treatment session will start with a brief re-assessment. Depending on your specific diagnosis, goals and progress, each treatment session will vary and may include manual therapy, acupuncture, specific movement and strength training, individualized exercise prescription, postural retraining, and advice to help you promote your own recovery. 

30 minutes at $80
45 minutes at $110
60 minutes at $140
90 minutes at $200


Clinical Yoga and Pilates

In addition to being a Physiotherapist, I am a Yoga Instructor and Pilates Instructor. Clinical Yoga or Clinical Pilates sessions might be the right fit for you if: you are returning to classes after an injury, have specific pilates movements or yoga poses you are working on, are new to yoga or pilates, or have any other specific goals that require an individualized treatment plan.

Each Clinical Yoga or Clinical Pilates treatment plan begins with a physiotherapy initial assessment, and can be billed as physiotherapy through your health benefits.

Virtual Appointments

All appointment types can be conducted online, using a secure video-conferencing platform within Janeapp. Work on your physiotherapy, pilates or yoga goals from the safety and comfort of your own home! All you need is a computer, tablet or smartphone and a stable internet connection.

30 minutes at $80
45 minutes at $110
60 minutes at $140


Patients who are new to Root Physio:

Please feel free to book a Free 15- minute Discovery Call as your first appointment. It is an opportunity to chat with me about your health concerns, goals, and whether physiotherapy is right for you before booking an assessment.